Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Colors of Fall in Niedernhausen - Engenhahn

These were taken across the road from our house....we truly live in a beautiful location. We even has a dusting of snow last Thursday beautiful.

I love the autumnal colors...God truly has a wonderful imagination...this is the grand view I have when I come through the forest and start heading down the hill to our house...isn't it awesome?

More of the same..........

Looking down towards the village.....

I took this one at around 6:30pm and it was getting dark and it was really cold...still very beautiful. You can see the trees on the ridge...I call them the "lollipop trees" because they are round and look like lollipops...they were green when we moved here, now they are red and now Jeff call's them the lollipop sticks because all the leaves are gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL okay we just decided that we are visiting next October!! Make room!!